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Jonathan Misrahi

Have you empowered yourself today?

LATAM in ON! Super stoked and proud to have become the first certificated Holacracy Coach in the region!

Why chose me? I help companies develop their own capacity to embrace an everlasting Powershift and hence, to thrive in the New World of Work.

I specialize in Holacracy deployments with complimentary frameworks that addresses what Holacracy, by design, does not address.

Lets have a chat!

Latinoamérica, presente! Hipér contento y orgulloso de convertirme en el primer coach certificado de la region para poder traer mucha autogestion al sub continente, y al mundo entero!

Ayudo, guio y acompaño a diversos tipos de orgs en el desarrollo de su capacidad interna para auto-gestionarse en el esquema de New World of Work.

Me especializo en Holacracia y la implemento con metodos complementarios para poder integrar todo aquello que la Holacracia, por diseño, no trata.



Jonathan Misrahi
English, Spanish
Chile, Uruguay, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Mexico, España

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